
Join as a Distributor

As a distributor joining Obibi, you need to follow these steps:

1. Understand Obibi

You can learn about Obibi's brand, products, market share, basic information, and values beforehand to determine whether they meet your expectations and interests.

2. Contact Obibi's representative

You can contact the company through Obibi's official website or commercial agency channels to learn about the conditions, requirements, profits, and other aspects of joining as a distributor.

3. Submit the application

If you meet the criteria to join as a distributor, you need to submit a formal application to the company. During the application process, you need to provide relevant qualifications and proof materials, such as business licenses and tax registration certificates.

4. Sign the joining agreement

After the preliminary review, if the company approves your application and decides to cooperate with you, you need to sign a legally binding joining agreement. The agreement details the rights and obligations of both parties, the fees and requirements for joining as a distributor, product sales prices, and sales channels.

5. Pay the joining fee and deposit

As a distributor joining Obibi, you are required to pay a certain amount of joining fee to the company. In addition, you need to pay a certain amount of deposit to ensure your business activities comply with the company's requirements and to be handled when you exit your distributorship.

6. Conduct the distribution business

After signing the agreement and paying the fee, you can become an official distributor of Obibi. You need to purchase products from the company according to the company's uniform regulations and standards, and sell them through appropriate sales channels.

7. Maintain Communication and Cooperation

As a distributor, you need to maintain close communication with the company and provide timely feedback on sales and customer feedback. If necessary, with the support and assistance of the company, you can also conduct some promotional, advertising, and training activities to enhance distribution performance.

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